Factors Influencing Adoption in General 

Giving birth and raising a child is an extraordinary feeling. From advancing knowledge to shaping their future for a better cause, parenthood helps parents to grow holistically. While some are not fortunate enough to conceive a child, that doesn’t determine your journey to parenthood. Yes, you can be a parent even without carrying the child for nine months in the womb and feel that essence of joy within your heart and life.


Whatever may be the reason for you not being able to become a parent naturally, you can always go for Adoption. As they say “Adoption is a noble act”, it is because this harmony fulfils two unfinished halves, your wish for a child and the child’s wish for a family.


Before going for adoption one must consider certain factors that influence adoption in general. 


1. Looking Alike


People more or less search for kids with similar appearances. As per them, a maximum of like physical appearance will diminish the visible proof of adoption. With time it would be easier for the family, society to think the adopted child is their own. This will make things easier for the kid as well. 


Remember, physical appearance is a secondary thing. You are desirous of a child and adopting one who really is in need of a family should be your utmost concern. If you waste your time matching up appearances, your chances of adoption may be delayed and you could be stuck in a long queue for a long period of time.


2. Gender Preferences


Living in a patriarchal society means couples are more inclined towards adopting a male child than the female one. The reason being the boy would be the heir of the property while one or another day the girl will be married off to someone and she will leave the house. People look for a boy for adoption as he is supposed to be the caregiver of the old couple in the future, plus he will always be at home.


Every single step to end gender discrimination stereotypes will make the world a better place to live. Boys and Girls are alike, carrying the same DNA composition of parents. If raised well, both can do wonder and will be a great child who looks after the parents. It is up to parents how they embody the virtues, values and emotional intelligence into them.


3. Racism/Discrimination Persists


People believe some traits are superior to others. They can be colour (white supremacy over black), region, caste etc.


Not only adoptive parents but everyone should note that “Racism in any form is morally and ethically wrong.” The Supreme Power, known as God, Allah, Bhagwan, or any other name you worship, created every child of his with utmost love, concern and care. Judging a person and discriminating against him means you are pointing a finger at the Almighty. 


4. Financial Status


Parenthood is emotionally amazing but one has to be financially sound to take good care of the child and give him/her a better future. Adoptive parents should look at their financial situation before welcoming a new member into the family. It certainly doesn’t mean that you have to be a billionaire to be a parent, but promising the right amount to raise a child better.


At last but not least, adoption is an emotional process. Before you decide on anything, prepare yourself for a journey where there will be a lot of expectations not only from your side but the member you are going to accept. Prepare well mentally, financially and physically before going for adoption. 


Parenthood is austerity and adoption is a blessing in disguise.