Empathic attitude helps orphans to cope with distress

The last one and a half year weren’t easy for anyone. Cry for help, losing loved ones to pandemic, loneliness, depression, helplessness were in the vicinity. But not to forget the innocent souls as Covid-19 had cost them more than a loved one, a parent or both parents succumbing to infection, the sole caregiver.

At this time proper care and attention would be the most preferred choice to help these kids coping with the trauma. This never-ending nightmare left a big hole in their childhood with some are to be taken care of by children cares while others left abandoned on lonely roads.

The situation is even bitter for Covid-19 orphans of a nuclear family. They not only lost their primary caretakers but a new unfamiliar, sometimes unfriendly and unkind environment of Childcare makes them more vulnerable to seclusion.

It is to learn that all grieve over things in a different manner. Hence, it has become even more crucial to understand the plight of others going through a hell-over turnout of life events. Children are no different from others. When they lose someone from the family, they react unalike adults. They demand much time to process the whole thing, to express their emotions, to cry over their irreplaceable loss.

At such times showing empathy towards others, especially the little ones, not only helps them to survive the pain but extend strength to move forward. It is to keep in mind that apart from financial support and guidance, these children need a friendly environment to share their emotions, express feeling, a realisation of being understood and to get hold of responsibilities of self and others as well.